On Jun 2, 8:41 am, Juliane <jmor...@cmpl.org> wrote:
> I'm a novice and relied on freelancer to build my superfish menu.
> Everything is working correctly here --http://www.cmpl.org/but I
> want to take it to the next level.  When a user clicks on a major sub
> tab (such as "About Us") I want the horizontal sub navigation to stay
> visible (not hover and disappear on mouseout).
> Is there a way to do this?  I see in my CSS (also built by the
> freelancer) that I have elements that relate to the current <li> but
> that seems to affect only the background color.  CSS is available here
> --http://www.cmpl.org/_styles/styles.css
> Can anyone help me use something in superfish (that I don't know
> about) to make my current active tab show all the sub navigation?
> --Juliane

If you want to *completely* disable the automatic hiding of menues,
then you can do this...
(After making a back up copy of your "superfish.js" file)
Open superfish.js in Notepad (don't use Wordpard, Word, etc)
Change line 29 from this:
to this:

Adding the two slashes turns the line into a comment, so the function
to hide the menu is never called.

NOTE: This may have side-effects if superfish is used elsewhere in
your site. It's a brute-force solution, but it works. I took a look at
your site and I think this is the behavior you want.


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