On Jun 2, 1:59 pm, Laker Netman <laker.net...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 1:08 pm, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Or add another class name:
> > <select class="myselects">
> >    <opt.../>
> > </select>
> > <select class="myselects">
> >    <opt.../>
> > </select>
> > $('.myselects:not(.clicked)').live('click', function(){
> >      $(this).addClass('clicked');
> > });
> > On Jun 2, 1:00 pm, Isaac Gonzalez <ier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I'm not sure if this is the best solution but you can always change  
> > > the class name of the li after it's been click. Then add a conditional  
> > > statement in your anonymous function filter list with the revised  
> > > class name.
> > > On Jun 2, 2009, at 8:55 AM, Laker Netman wrote:
> > > > I am using .live() in jQuery 1.3.2 to assign a dynamic click event to
> > > > multiple Select lists. When one of the lists is clicked on I would
> > > > like to have that particular list to no longer be "clickable".
> > > > Here's the issue. I currently assign the click function in .live()
> > > > with an anonymous function, so the only thing I have been able to do
> > > > so far is $(this).die('click') when a Select is clicked on. This, of
> > > > course, kills the event for ALL my Selects.
> > > > Does anyone know of a way to do this without creating a separate,
> > > > named function for the die() function to use later?
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Laker
> Thanks for the suggestions Isaac.
> Your second post got me thinking. Here's what I came up with for the
> final solution:
>         $(".selectList:not(.clicked)").live("mousedown",function(){
>                 $(this).addClass('clicked');
> ... additional processing occurs here ....
>         });
> This is executed within $document.ready()
> All of the Selects have the class "selectList" from the start and,
> based on your suggestion, the "clicked" class is added when a
> particular list is clicked on. The initial selector does the rest,
> eliminating already clicked selects from future consideration. Very
> nice!
> Laker

And Ricardo, too! Sorry didn't catch the second author! 8)

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