Anyone have any ideas? TIA.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:


Does anyone know of a way to prevent tabbing (via keyboard tab key) between form fields in different "slides" when using the jquery scrollTo plugin? For example, I have a UL with 2 LI's in it and each LI has a <form> inside of it. If a user is on slide 1 and hits tab on the last visible form field, the first form field on the next slide comes into view (because the browser gives it focus), thus moving slide 2 partially into view. The same kind of thing happens from slide 2 to slide 1 when shift-tabbing (tabbing backwards): a form field on slide 1 gets focused and comes into view.

I'd like to prevent tabbing between the forms. To complicate matters a bit more (possibly), one of my forms has a jquery UI tab control on it, so the last visible form field could be any field on any of the tab control's tabs (ie: the "last" visible form field depends on what tab is showing.

I tried a few things, but nothing jumped out as a good solution. Any ideas?


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