you could also completely remove the field from the DOM

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 7:40 AM, mkmanning <> wrote:

> To set the value of a form field, use this:
> $("#myFieldId").val("")
> To do this without setting the field to an empty value, modify your
> original approach:
> $("#MyForm").submit(function(){
>        var params = $(this).serializeArray();
>        $.post('/register.php',
>                        $(params).filter(function(){
>                                return != "data[User][passwd]";
>                                }),
>                        callback,
>                        "json"
>        );
>        return false;
> });
> On Jun 2, 7:17 pm, Clare <> wrote:
> > I tried disabing the field, but unfortunately no respose from the
> > server in ajax call.
> > $("#myFieldId").attr({value:""}) works fine.
> > Is there any way to do this without resetting the field value?

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