Hello everyone,

I have some problems about using jcarousel library on Google Map,

and following is my scenario:

        there is a Marker on the Map, and when clicking on the Marker,

        Info-Window will pop up, and jcarousel content will be in the Info-

        And This is a simple demo:

The jcarousel is referenced from this tutorial:


I copied all the js and css codes, but delete this part in js :
     jQuery(document).ready(function() {
             vertical: true,
             size: 0,
             initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback

because the "mycarousel div" doesn't exist in the beginning,

it will be generated when clicking on the Marker (then generating Info-
Window and mycarousel div)

Therefore, I add these codes in the Map Event Function:
        GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
                                vertical: true,
                                size: 0,
                                initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback
which means once the clicking event occurs, generate jcarousel

Followings are my problems:

1. It works well on the FireFox,
   but alert warning messages ( jCarousel: No width/height set for
items. This will cause an infinite loop. Aborting... ) on IE browser.

2. Clicking on the Marker at the first time, there is no jcarousel
content in the Info-Window.
   You have to click again, then the Info-Window shows the jcarousel

I really have no ideas to solve this problems, hope someone can help

Thnaks a lot :)

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