I have a jQuery/nyromodal 1.4 issue. I'm using nyromodal to load
different types of content into an iframed modal dialog. Content is
very diverse starting with jpg's up to 100MB pdf files.

I've observed that nyromodal is doing a somekind of preload of iframe
content (you can observe this in examples at nyromodal website).
Dialog creates not visible iframe which grabs the content from given
URL (and sends first request), after this it makes another request to
the same address. This is fine in most scenarios, but I think this the
reason why Acrobat Reader's activeX gets broken under MSIE when I load
a PDF file. If I open a small website (which redirects) to PDF
everything works fine but if I put a direct reference to PDF it simply
does nothing (modal opens correctly but it's empty). When I open a
really big file number of requests to the same URL is increasing.

Does anyone else came across such a thing? I haven't found any hooks
in nyro documentation but I would gladly turn this "preload" off.

cheers, Adam

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