I'd suggest to understand why your dynamic objects are wired up,
thoroughly read this article


understanding "why" is the solution of fixing your issue

as for

"as even to do the simplest thing you need to fully internalise the
whole framework"

I'm not exactly sure what "internalise the whole framework" is
supposed to mean, but I can say from personal experience that I have
been using jQuery for a year and a half now, and i've had to go inside
the jQuery core file *maybe* 4-5 times, and mainly just to learn what
things were doing for my own knowledge

"and have a comprehensive in-depth understanding of Javascript and the

That's simply not true.... the whole purpose of a framework like
jQuery is so the programmer *doesn't need to* comprehensively
understand JS and the DOM....

for instance there's a lot of things that IE does/behaves differently,
but jQuery hides that fact from the programmer

then again, what one is trying to accomplish would have a big factor
in having to know the DOM or advanced script

On Jun 4, 10:46 am, fredriley <fred.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry to post again to this group, but again jQuery has me stumped on
> what seems like a simple task. I've a test doc up 
> athttp://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ntzfr/test/ajax/jquery/xml/jquery_xml3.html
> and if you click on any of the static links (class="rlo_link") you'll
> get an alert, meaning that the "$(".rlo_link").click(function()" is
> being called. Click on the "Click here" link to generate dynamic links
> and then click on those, and no alert appears. Could someone kindly
> explain why this is? I can only guess that it's something to do with
> the links being generated after the main page has loaded, in response
> to an event, but if that's the case I don't know how to access such
> dynamically-created elements and events.
> What I'm ultimately trying to do is read a XML file 
> (likehttp://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ntzfr/test/ajax/jquery/xml/ulo_test1.xml)
> of link titles and URLs, then allow the user to choose one of those to
> display in an <iframe>. The idea is that a teacher can select some web
> resources and display them to students behind a friendly interface. I
> could well be going the wrong way about it by using attr("src", url)
> to change the <iframe> target - should I be using load() instead, or
> taking another approach altogether?
> <grump>jQuery is *hard*! If not for all the wonderful plugins and my
> sheer obstinacy I'd have given up in despair ages ago, as even to do
> the simplest thing you need to fully internalise the whole framework,
> and have a comprehensive in-depth understanding of Javascript and the
> DOM. </grump>
> Cheers
> Fred

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