On 6/4/09 2:17 PM, "James" <james.gp....@gmail.com> wrote:

> What are you using to do the string matching?

depends on the kind of search i need.

> For me, I was using autocomplete to search for something stored in a
> MySQL database, 

i think that's a very common scenario.

> and MySQL by default automatically matches even those
> strings with accents from non-accented characters.

according to collation.

> It should either be
> the script or the database that handles this conversion/matching.

if by "script" you mean client script then i can't agree. say i wanted more
than a simple search, i want exact matches frist, then prefix matches in
lexical order, and finally fuzzy matches in Damerau-Levenshtein order with
lexical suborder. the right place for much of that work is in the backend

btw: if you use a php backend then converting character encodings is very

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