it's like namespace faking

var $myvar = JQuery.noConflict();

$myvar(function() {

$myvar("body").animate({ opacity:0}, 500);


On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Alex Ehlke <> wrote:

> The online documentation for jQuery.noConflict() seems to be
> incorrect, or ambiguous at best. Here is the text I'm referring to,
> from :
> NOTE: This function must be called after including the jQuery
> javascript file, but before including any other conflicting library,
> and also before actually that other conflicting library gets used, in
> case jQuery is included last.
> There are several problems here. The second "and also" clause seems to
> actually be an alternative, not an additional requirement. This needs
> rewording, since it seems to imply it's also a requirement -- but it's
> impossible to include jQuery last, yet call jQuery.noConflict() before
> including other libraries, so clearly this needs to be rewritten.
> Also, there is a link on that page to
> which says that if jQuery is included last, noConflict() is
> unnecessary (again, despite what the noConflict() documentation says).

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