Just had to ask, are you also providing the callback function also?


should be:
$('a[class^="edit_"]').bind('click', someFunction);

On Jun 5, 8:13 am, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First off, you are starting off with some really bad habits...
> something like
> <a href="..." class="edit_one">One</a>
> <a href="..." class="edit_two">Two</a>
> <a href="..." class="edit_three">Three</a>
> and then saying
> 'a[class^="edit_"]'
> is a bad way to access those links, as "class" acts a little different
> than a parameter like "width" or "id"
> something like
> <a href="..." class="edit one">One</a>
> <a href="..." class="edit two">Two</a>
> <a href="..." class="edit three">Three</a>
> and then saying
> 'a.edit'
> is much better jQuery-wise
> Second, if the sole purpose of these <a> objects is to load a form or
> something, and *not* take the user somewhere (primary purpose of a
> hyperlink), then advice: don't use a hyperlink for that then
> On Jun 5, 2:04 pm, "Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com"
> <d...@widepixels.com> wrote:
> > I have 6 links , each loads a form into its respective div. How can I
> > disable the links if one of the 6 is clicked preventing a user from opening
> > up 6 forms at once?
> > I have
> > $('a[class^="edit_"]').unbind('click');
> > which stops the click from working but once the form is submitted i now need
> > to enable the click function again to those links.
> > I added
> > $('a[class^="edit_"]').bind('click'); but that does nothing.
> > Suggestions? Am i missing something?
> > Dave

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