here's is one way you can do this however my  way does not use IFrames, but
it does pull all the html from another page.

your html

<div id="target">


your script

success: function(html) {

so what i do is i loop it in a setTimout

function refreshData() {

setTimeout(function() {
$("#target").html(""); // clear html
// refill html
success: function(html) {
refreshData(); // recall this functon every 5 seconds.
}, 5000);


On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:11 AM, Amit Saurav <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using a jQuery script to insert iframe in the document after the
> page load completes as follows:
> jQuery(window).load(function() {
>    var container = jQuery(‘#container_id”);
>    jQuery(‘<iframe id=”my_iframe”
> src=””></iframe>’).prependTo(container);
> });
> Apparently there is a problem (or probably a speed-up trick) with
> Firefox where it tries to cache any iframe content so that next time
> when you come back to the page (using forward or back button), it
> fetches the content of the iframe from its cache rather than making a
> new request. This is a problem to my usecase as the number of request
> received by the server is of high importance.
> Hence to get around this caching issue I have a small piece of
> cache-busting code just after prependTo() call above, which forces a
> reload of the iframe is as follows:
> if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1) &&
> (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") > -1)) {
>    var i = document.getElementById("my_iframe");
>    if (i) {
>        i.src="";
>    }
> }
> I read somewhere that when we add iframes to the DOM dynamically, it
> actually takes some amount of time before which it can be queried
> using the standard DOM manipulation function. So, I am suspecting that
> for most of the time my cache-busting code above does not do anything,
> but it’s hard to spot the error as it could be happening only 1 in 10
> times or less.
> My question is, would using jQuery’s selector to get the iframe node
> for cache-busting help me get around this iframe-ready-to-query delay?
> I just want to ensure that my cache-busting code runs every time its
> meant to run.
> I appreciate any help.
> Thanks,

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