[apologies for the self-response]

On Jun 7, 2009, at 11:08 PM, Ravi Narayan Sarma wrote:

In the hope that a public recounting of my adventures will be of some edifying value, perhaps in the archives, an update:

Some details that I forgot to add. I used Safari/WebKit's profiler to see what was going on with my app. Since my app first loads the entire 200+ row table using JavaScript, I did not start the profiler until after that loading was complete (since I am not, right now, interested in performance issues during initial load). What emerged once I started the profiler was that a large amount of time 60+% was spent in livequery() related activities. Which surprised my naive understanding: I had presumed that livequery() worked magically by watching the DOM (somehow!) and upon addition of an element with a matching selector (that livequery() had been configured to act upon), it attached the corresponding event to that element. By this understanding, livequery() should have no part to play once the DOM was loaded up and ready to go. Clearly, my understanding is wrong, somewhere.

Anyway, a couple of additional links that discuss Event Delegation and the clone(true) approach:




My problem: performance of my newbie jQuery based app with a table with 100s of rows consisting of 1000s of form elements slowed to an unusable level when the number of rows crossed about 200. I have been struggling to figure out how to overcome the problem. One obvious option is to redesign a UI that consists of 1000s of form elements ;-). Other options?

My entire table is created dynamically on load using AJAX GETs. I clone a template row that is hidden in the page to add rows to the table. I use livequery() (the plugin) to add event handlers to form elements in each row.

One option that I came across was to call clone(true) when adding my table rows, so that I do not rely on livequery() to attach event triggers (see http://bit.ly/Y6ZFe for one livequery() performance discussion). That's the one I am currently exploring.

However, the more I read, the more it seems that Event Delegation (http://bit.ly/Wr3Gr ) is really the safest approach, though it nullifies a good bit of the advantages of using jQuery like syntax/constructs to add event handlers. For those who are even more newbie than I am (if such is possible), Event Delegation is the idea that you do not add event handlers to each little DOM element of interest, but instead, you let those mouseclicks and what not "bubble" up, and then use if() style checking at some high-level to figure out the element that has been clicked on and act accordingly.

I will complete my code changes to replace my use of livequery() with clone(true), just to see the effect on performance. Once I have that information, I will most likely switch to an Event Delegation approach for the bulk of my event handlers. I will report back with my findings.

In the meantime, if any list guru has advice for me that would alleviate my stumbling around like a goof, I am gratefully receptive to it!


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