Thank you all for your input into this query.

@Jack - I appreciate your guidance re style
@mkmanning - thanks for your solution - it lead me to one I needed; due to my poor description, your solution (as I read it) took ALL the content of the parent p, wrapped it in the div and inserted it before the parent p. I actually wanted the text (not the caption) to remain in the p tag and while I tried to filter just the image and the caption via the children() call (i.e. .children("img, p.imgcaption")) I couldn't get it to work.

Finally, I settled to focus first on the image and move it, and then wrap it and insert its caption.

function fnDoImages() {
$('img.imgposl,img.imgposr,img.imgposc,img.tblposl,img.tblposr,img.tblposc').each(function(i) { var p = $(this).parent(); //the parent p tag containing the image to be processed $(this).insertBefore(p).wrap("<div class='buggybox clearfix' id='g" + i +"'></div>"); var alt = $(this).attr('alt'); //alt tag on image var thg = $(this).attr('class').substr(0,3); //table or image var postn = $(this).attr('class').substr(6); //position of thg - l, r, or c var title = $(this).attr('title'); //image caption or table title is in the title var width = $(this).attr('width'); //width of image
                if (alt.length=0) {
                        $(this).attr('alt',''+ title +'');
                if (thg == 'tbl' && title.length>0) {
$(this).before("<p class='imgcaption' style='width:" + width + "px;'>" + title + "</p>");
                } else if (title.length>0){
$(this).after("<p class='imgcaption' style='width:" + width + "px;'>" + title + "</p>");
                $("#g"+i).addClass("img" + postn).css({width:width + 'px'});

Thanks again,


 At 11:14 a.m. 7/06/2009, you wrote:

Waseem's answer doesn't look good for a couple reasons, most
importantly calling obj.remove(). That will delete the image from the
DOM, which renders every action before it pretty useless :P

It also doesn't take into account the OP's request to also include the
caption text if it exists.

Try this to get familiar with chaining and manipulation:

If you're working from having a reference to the image (where this ==
your image):
var p = $(this).parent();


On Jun 6, 3:48 pm, infoaddicted <> wrote:
> wasseem's answer looks good, I'd just like to off a little friendly
> advice on coding style, advice meant to make revisiting
> your own code in the future easier as well as making it under-
> standable to others.
> in a block like:
>     {
>         var a= $(this).attr('alt');
>         ...
>     }
> consider using more user friendly variables names, like
>     var alt = ...
>     var substr_1 = ...
> and putting spaces around operators like the concatenation
>     "foo" + "bar"
> the few bytes added to your code size is a very small percentage
> of your total page size.
> You can find a lot of good advice in the same vein here:
> Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language
>  -
> On Jun 6, 5:11 pm, Bruce MacKay <> wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > The following function takes an image tag (or table) that appears
> > within a p tag container in the form
> > < p> <img> text < /p>
> > and wraps the image (and caption if a title is present) into a div
> > for floating left, right, or centering.
> > My problem is that I don't know how to shift the processed image from
> > within the p container to immediately before it (so that the created
> > div is not within a p container)
> > I'd appreciate help in this next step.
> > Thanks,
> > Bruce
> > function fnDoImages() {
> > $('img.imgposl,img.imgposr,img.imgposc,img.tblposl,img.tblposr,img.tblposc' ).each(function(i)
> > {
> >                  var a = $(this).attr('alt');
> >                  var q = $(this).attr('class').substr(0,3);
> >                  var p = $(this).attr('class').substr(6);
> >                  var t = $(this).attr('title');
> >                  var w = $(this).attr('width');
> >                  if (a.length=0) {
> >                          $(this).attr('alt',''+t+'');
> >                  }
> >                  $(this).wrap("<div class='buggybox clearfix'
> > id='g"+i+"'></div>");
> >                  if (q=='tbl' && t.length>0) {
> >                  $(this).before("<p class='imgcaption'
> > style='width:"+w+"px;'>"+t+"</p>");
> >                  } else if (t.length>0){
> >                  //$(this).after("<p class='imgcaption'
> > style='width:"+w+"px;'>"+t+"</p>");
> >                  };
> >                  $("#g"+i).addClass("img"+p).css({width:w+'px'});
> >          });
> > }

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