Hi, I am trying to create a template making use of parrallax image
effects and some background animation using jquery. It works perfectly
until I try to add any kind of flash animation into the website. It
works in all browsers except, naturally, you have guessed correctly,
the reason for the retardations of all web technologies and general
human evolution, Internet Explorer!!!! As soon as a flash animation
appear, it takes up all the resources and leaves none for JS.
Javascript animations frame rates drop to about 1 frame per second. I
have noticed that it works better in ie6 than ie7. I have not tested
in ie8 yet.

It works fine in firefox, opera, netscape, safari and crome.

I have searched around for solutions to this problem but came up
For now I have decided to omit js animations for all versions of IE
until I can find a solution to the problem.
Let me know if you need me to create an example page for this problem.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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