Hello all,

I've been trying to find/modify a variety of tooltip plugins to no
success. I've outlined the requirements of the plugin below:
1) Must retrieve page from ajax request and display in a tooltip on
hover of an element.
2) Tooltip needs to repeat on a list of items that is generated
dynamically (<li>s).
3) The ajax request must send the id (or other attribute) of the <li>
item that is being hovered over.

What I am looking for would function something like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
      url: "myurl.php",
      data: { listID: $(this).attr("id") }

<li id=1 class='listClass'>item 1</li>
<li id=2 class='listClass'>item 2</li>
<li id=3 class='listClass'>item 3</li>

Does anyone have any suggestions as to which plugin i should be using
to accomplish this functionality?


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