It looks like it may have already been fixed:

Thanks for the heads-up, though!


On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 6:09 PM, benjam<> wrote:
> I'm sure support for a beta release is a bad thing to be asking for,
> but I mostly just want to make sure I'm not going crazy (and to inform
> the devs of a possible issue).
> I have the current FF 3.5b99 (Preview Release) and am playing around
> on a WordPress (v2.7.1) installation on my dev box, and it seems that
> when I try to open the media library while editing a page, it opens in
> a new window (which it should open in a shadowbox type modal window).
> I've also noticed that some of the menu fly outs and some other
> various JS things aren't working right.
> It all works in Google Chrome just fine. So I'm sure it's a FF issue,
> but just wanted the devs to be aware of this before FF 3.5 and it's
> new JavaScript engine were released and broke lots of stuff all over
> the place.
> Here is the error I get in FireBug when I load the page:
> cannot access optimized closure - /wordpress/wp-includes/js/jquery/
> ui.core.js?ver=1.5.2
> I am not 100% sure this is a jQuery bug, it may be one of the plugins
> I'm using, but the fact that it works in Chrome makes me wonder.
> Anywho... if anybody else wants to confirm this issue and inform the
> devs, it would help to ease my current state of confusion.
> If any more detail is required, please let me know and I'll try and
> get it.

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