have you looked at the "even more advanced demos" on cycle site? If ever there was a plugin with a large variety of examples Cycle is it! You could at least find some examples that come close to what you want and be more specific about what it is you are trying to do by referencing them. Look at source code of examples also for the " how to..."

ivanisevic82 wrote:
Hi! I found this wonderfull plugin, http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/int2.html
I want to built something like "pager", in the link.
I built it, but now I'd like to change something: i don't want a
progressive numeration, but Id' like to define a different text or
image customized, and not the "1" "2" "3"..ecc..of the example.

How is possible to do this?

Thank you!


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