You can find all information about live() at jQuery docs:

On Jun 11, 4:32 pm, Kean <> wrote:
> Instead of doing
> $(selector).click(function(){});
> $(selector).bind('click', function(){});
> use
> $(selector).live('click', function(){});
> On Jun 11, 12:04 pm, Sasha <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone.  I've run across what must be a common problem:
> > When my page loads, I bind every element of a certain class to some
> > function (via click, focus, or whatever).  Then I dynamically create
> > another element with that same class on the page, and the new element
> > lacks the binding.
> > Is there a nice shorthand way of saying "bind this function to this
> > class/id/selector always and forever," no matter whether matching
> > elements are created or destroyed?  I'd rather not have to worry about
> > re-binding my elements every time I create new ones.
> > Thanks! SA

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