hi ;)

> An id must be unique on a page. In your code, every created image as the
> same id maybe the problem is here but i'm not sure.
Yes, i guess, this is the problem.

> I think the first step is to replace id with a class and see if it works.
Can you give some exemple ?

The probleme is: i want to remove, let's say, the 4th image, by
clicking on it. I don't see where class can help me. I surely must use
some kind of array but in which way ?



> You can use the live event gestion if you use jquery > 1.3 
> (http://docs.jquery.com/Events/live)
> Pierre
> 2009/6/12 fabrice.regnier <fabrice.regn...@gmail.com>
> > Hi all,
> > When i click once on a button, i create one picture on the fly. And so
> > on. It works ok.
> > Then, using livequery, when i click on one of the all created
> > pictures, i would like to see it removed. But it appears that only the
> > first pic is removed (since all have the same name).
> > What is my mistake ?
> > regards,
> > f.
> > <JQUERY>
> > $("#IdButton").click( function() {
> >  var pic="<p><img id=\"IdPicture\" name=\"IdPicture[]\" src=\"../
> > images/icone_ko_small.png\"/></p>"
> >  $(this).before(pic);
> > });
> > $("#IdPicture").livequery('click', function(event) {
> >    $(this).remove();
> > });
> > <HTML>
> > <input type="submit" id="IdButton" class="button">

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