
Thanks for you reply, but im still not there:

My validator:

<script type="text/javascript">
        var validator = $("#form_user").validate({
            errorClass: "invalid",
            errorLabelContainer: $("#errorBox"),
            wrapper: "p",
            rules: {
                m_username: { required: true},
                m_passw: {required: true},
            messages: {    
                m_username: "Please fill in your username",
                m_passw: "Please fill in your passw."

And i have this funtion in the underlying aspx.cs file:

public boolean somefunction()
      //do a lot of stuff
            return true;
      return false;

Is there a possibility that i can use the function in the aspx.cs file in
the validator?


waseem sabjee wrote:
> your web service
> mymethod.asmx.cs
> [webmethod]
> public string[] getData() {
> // note i used a dataset
> EventsTableAdapters.EventsTableAdapter ta = new
> EventsTableAdapters.EventsTableAdapter();
> Events.EventsDataTable dt new Events.EventsDataTable();
> // C# string list
> List<string> result as new List<string>();
> // load data into data table from dataset
> dt = ta.GetData();
> // foreach row in table
> foreach(System.Data.Datarow row in dt.Rows) {
> // add each row as its own list item
> result.Add(row["event_title"].ToString());
> }
> // return as array
> return results.ToArray();
> }
> default.aspx
> <script type="text/javascript">
>  // yes you can integrate asp.net tags within script tags however you will
> not get intelisense
> // basically i said if the checkbox is checked get and alert the data from
> the web service.
> $(function() {
> <% if(CheckBox1.Checked) { %>
> $.ajax({
> url:"mymethod.asmx/Getdata",
> success: function(data) {
> alert(data);
> }
> });
> <% } %>
> });
> </script>
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Ivar Kunst <iacku...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm quite new to Jquery, so I need some sort of advice.
>> I'm working on a webbased application with a webservice. First it was a
>> simple html site, but later I started using Jquery. Data is inserted in
>> some
>> forms, this I can easily validate through the validator. Now after all
>> the
>> data is ok, it's send to the webservice through the C#-code. Some
>> calculations are being made with the data and a dataset is returned. Now
>> some errors can occur while doing the calculations. I can't get some
>> manual
>> error in the errorbox of the validator.
>> Is it possible to let the validator run some c#-function so I can see if
>> the
>> data is correct? Or can I set a unvisible checkbox to true/false through
>> the
>> c#-code so the validator check this box? A problem with both is, that the
>> validator runs when I click on the "Next"-button. After the validaton,
>> the
>> function starts, so if I set the checkbox to false, the validator won't
>> even
>> notice.
>> Anyone knows a handy approach for this?
>> Grt,
>> Ivar
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Calling-C--function-in-the-validator-tp23891455s27240p23891455.html
>> Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at
>> Nabble.com.

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