It's not really a huge bug and please do submit this as an enhancement
to jQuery tracker.

On Jun 11, 12:57 pm, upsilon <> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Today I've tried to create simple hover effect on a <div>: if the
> cursor is over the box, the background-image css property of the div
> is modified.
> On the HTML side, a <div> with an id:
> <div id="round"><p>Blah blah</p></div>
> On the CSS:
> div#round {
> background-image: url(pics/bg_round.png);
> }
> In order to get the background-image property, I wrote:
> var imgName = $("#round").css('background-image');
> The issue is on what I get from this function in Internet Explorer and
> in Firefox:
> IE : url("http://blabla/images/bg_round.png";)
> FF : url(http://blabla/images/bg_round.png)
> OK, the difference is not huge, and I've already solved the problem by
> replacing quotes by nothing in the string.
> But... Is this a bug? A feature? jQuery is intended for erasing
> differences between browsers, and here it's not the case...
> What do you think of it?
> Thanks!
> upsilon
> PS: sorry for my English (I'm French), I'm afraid that 15 years of
> studies aren't enough for me... :(

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