Ok thanks for your sugestions, i'm going to implement those when i get
back home.

Thanks again.

On Jun 14, 5:51 am, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> there are several reasons this isn't working , the main reason  is
> everything you click on is in the body,including the div you want to
> stay open.  Events bubble up from children to parent. Even though you
> think you are only clicking on your div, you are also clicking body. Try
> this in firebug on any page that has jquery loaded
> $('*').click(function(){
> alert(this.tagName);
> });
> you can see the bubbling up of all tag's parents all the way to html tag
> as alerts will keep going off for each parent
> you will need a filter on your body click to stop your div closing
> something like:
> $('body').click(function(event){
>                  if ($(event.target).is(".menu-cnts *")) {
>                  ///do nothing
>                  }
>                  else{ $('#' + divDados).hide();}
>                 });
> that will stop your div closing, as for the rest of your method there
> are other issues there too:
>   $(element).click(function(){ //why use an <a> tag?
>    $('#' + divDados).hide();/// why hide the div you want to open?
>    $(this).next().show(); // you created methods to identify your div by
> ID, but this is opening it ...your div is the next inline element to the
> <a>tag
> //
>    return false;
> });
> I think you are trying to use this to open another div from another link
> but it sure seems you will have a much easier time using other methods
> than working with ID's
> you could add/remove classes  such as class="hidden" and css   .hidden{
> display:none}
> or  something like:
> find("yourDivClass:visible").hide();// if you only intend to have one
> open at a time this would be easier than ID's
> you might consider scrapping out all the css parameters, work outside
> the plugin with real classes and ID's in your functions to get them
> working first then put them into the plugin after you know your methods work
> http://jsbin.com/ekaqe
> First click Euro (€), then a div shows up, the first problem is that
> if you click on the div, the div closes itself, and the other problem
> is, if you have 2 links to open divs they don't close itself, i need
> to click on the document page to close them
> Here is the JS:
> jQuery.fn.DivMenu = function(opcoes){
>         /**
>          * Valores de defeito.
>          **/
>         var variaveis = {
>                 'display'     : 'none',
>                 'position'    : 'absolute',
>                 'background'  : '#fff',
>             'border'      : '1px solid #cecece',
>             'font-family' : 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif',
>                 'font-size'   : '11px; padding: 5px; z-index: 999999'
>         };
>         var opcoes = $.extend({}, variaveis, opcoes);
>         /**   end   **/
>         /**
>          *
>          **/
>         return this.each(function(){
>                 /**
>                  * Declarar variaveis.
>                  **/
>                 var element = this;
>                 var offset = $(element).offset();
>                 var left = offset.left;
>                 var top = offset.top;
>                 var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
>                 var divDados = currentId + '-dados';
>                 /**   end   **/
>                 /**
>                  *
>                  **/
>                 $(element).click(function(){ $('#' + divDados).hide(); 
> $(this).next
> ().show(); return false; });
>                 $(document.body).click(function(){ $('#' + divDados).hide(); 
> });
>                 /**   end   **/
>                 /**
>                  *
>                  **/
>                 $('#' + divDados).css({
>                         'left'        : left + 'px',
>                         'top'         : top + 15 + 'px',
>                         'display'     : opcoes['display'],
>                         'position'    : opcoes['position'],
>                         'background'  : opcoes['background'],
>                         'border'      : opcoes['border'],
>                         'font-family' : opcoes['font-family'],
>                         'font-size'   : opcoes['font_size']
>                 });
>                 /**   end   **/
>         });
>         /**   end   **/
> };
> On 13 Jun, 14:42, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > get better response with a  link to see the problem, jsbin works great , 
> > has built in script libraries including jquery
> > Glazz wrote:nobody can help me out?- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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