Try adding the style "overflow:hidden" to your slideshow container.

On Jun 14, 9:02 pm, vintom <> wrote:
> I am not great with jquery (yet), but I have used a few plugins with
> me newest site. I am using the cycle plugin and it works great, but I
> am having one issue. When I load the page initially (
> gfc) it stacks the images on top of each other until the plugin kicks
> in (which is only about 2 seconds).
> Is there any way to get around this? I would like to just have the
> first image in the cycle show up, and not have it affect the rest of
> the site layout.
> Any help would be great:
> With problem:
> <img src=""; alt="" />
> Without problem:
> <img src=""; alt="" />

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