Maybe something like this:

        var self = this;
        var btn_link = $('<a href="#">'+$(self).text()+'</a>');
        var href = $(self).attr('href'); // to be used in modal code
                // set up your modal code here

Or, depending on your needs, you could forego the 2nd link and make
the original link open the modal window.

        var href = $(this).attr('href');
        /* set up your modal code here, potentially creating a link to
         * the original file
        return false;

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:59 PM, keith2734<> wrote:
> I work on a portal website that has approximately 700 pages and
> several thousand links. Some of these links are to various documents
> (.doc, .pdf, .xls). I would like to use Jquery to dynamically find
> these links on a page when the pages load and add another link
> directly after it that can invoke a modal window. When the modal
> window opens I need to hold onto the values of the original link as it
> will be stored in a DB. So I think I will need the second link to
> contain the first links name and URL pattern as some sort of property
> that I can store. I am not sure the best way to accomplish this.
> For example:
> The original links would look like:
> <a href="testlink.doc">Document</href>
> <a href="testlink2.pdf">PDF</href>
> <a href="">WebSite</href>
> After the JS dynamically updates the link it would look like:
> <a href="testlink.doc">Document</href><a href="/modalwindow.html"
> property1="testlink.doc" property2="Document"><img src="button.jpg"/></
> a>
> <a href="testlink2.pdf">PDFNAME</href><a href="/modalwindow.html"
> property1="testlink2.pdf" property2="PDFNAME"><img src="button.jpg"/></
> a>
> <a href="">WebSite</href>

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