everything is set to use utf-8.
though i've notice now, first time i call the getJSON, on $
(document).ready, the response comes fine, with the right chars.
the problem happens whe i click a button that calls the method again,
witch is meant to perform a search.

On 16 Jun, 19:23, James <james.gp....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Make sure the page your Javascript is on is also also uses utf-8
> content-type (e.g. in meta tags). Same for your PHP script.
> On Jun 16, 1:45 am, Obi1 <gurreiro_fa...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'am having a bit of a problem with special chars in a getJSON
> > response which is the result from php and smarty
> > the file called by the getJSON is something like this:
> > <?php
> >    $callback = $_REQUEST["callback"];
> >    {...}
> >       Getting data from a wsdl using nusoap.
> >    {...}
> >    $smarty = new Smarty;
> >    $smarty->compile_check = true;
> >    $smarty->debugging = false;
> >    $smarty->template_dir = $CFG->smartydirs . "/templates";
> >    $smarty->compile_dir = $CFG->smartydirs . "/templates_c";
> >    $smarty->config_dir = $CFG->smartydirs . "/configs";
> >    {...}
> >       assigning vars etc...
> >    {...}
> >    $html = $smarty->fetch("alojamentos/resultadoPesquisa.tpl");
> >    $resposta = array(
> >       "html"=>utf8_encode($html)
> >    );
> >    echo $callback . '('. json_encode($resposta) . ')';
> > ?>
> > some of the vars and text used in the smarty output as accents,
> > ceddils, etc the problem is when i replace a div's innerHTML for the
> > one on json.html those special chars appear like squares or chinese
> > chars.
> > how can this be fixed?- Ocultar texto citado -
> - Mostrar texto citado -

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