Hi, I have implemented the above mentioned plugin, as well as the
swfobject plugin.

<h2> test </h2>


$('h2').media(function(el, options) {
            options.caption = false;
            options.height = /h21/i.test(el.tagName) ? 65 : 35;
            options.src = 'euphemia.swf';
            options.flashvars.txt = $(el).text();
            options.bgColor = 'transparent';

works so far.

it gets replaced with this:
<div style="background-color: transparent; width: 400px;">
<embed width="400" height="35" flashvars="txt=Newsletter"
autoplay="false" wmode="transparent" bgcolor="#ffffff"
pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"; type="application/
x-shockwave-flash" src="euphemia.swf" style="display: block;"/>

My questions:

1. How can I influence the font-size?
2. How can I change the font color?
3. If the heading is a <a> link, can I set css styles on it?

Thanks in advance for any help about this!!


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