
I want to be able to change the URL of the tab after the ajax content
has been loaded.

Here is the situation:

I have a tab("comapnies-classifieds") at which I want to load "all the
classifieds of the user" if it was clicked "selected by the user",
otherwise if it was reached through a direct link and the direct link
has "a classified_id" then only select the specific classified.

<div id="tabs">
        <li><a href="#companies-info"><span><?php echo $txt['info']; ?

  <li><a title="comapnies-classifieds" href="classifieds_list.php?id=<?
php echo $member_id; ?>&classified_id=<?php echo $classified_id; ?
>"><span><?php echo $classifieds['page_title']; ?></span></a></li>
        <li><a href="#comapnies-contact"><span><?php echo $txt
['send_message']; ?></span></a></li>

The problem is:  after the classified_id has been set the link would
always be :

companies.php?id=42&classified_id=17#comapnies-classifieds How can I
change this URL to companies.php?id=42 after the above URL has been
loaded so that every time the user clicks on this tab the loaded URL
will be companies.php?id=42

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