thanks, Karl.  You are the best.

It does have a callback, but I'm not sure what I would need to include
to have it rebind.

Do you have any suggestions?

On Jun 17, 1:28 pm, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I went to I  
> coujldn't find the fnReloadAjax function in the documentation. Does it  
> have a callback argument? If so, you could rebind the cluetip in there.
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl
> On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Chris Hall wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > I've searched and the posts about rebinding cluetip and thought
> > livequery would be a good option, but it just seems to work on the
> > first load?
> > Background:
> > I'm using the cluetip plugin along with the dataTable plugin.
> > DataTable is pulling its table info from ajax after the page loads
> > using this in the ready event:
> >            attributes_Table = $('#attributes').dataTable( {
> >                            "bStateSave": true,
> >                            "bProcessing": true,
> >                            "bPaginate": false,
> >                            "bLengthChange": false,
> >                            "bFilter": false,
> >                            "bSort": false,
> >                            "bInfo": false,
> >                            "aoColumns": [
> >                                    { "sClass": "attr", "sTitle": 
> > "Attribute" },
> >                                { "sClass": "center", "sTitle": "Level"  }
> >                    ],
> >                            "sAjaxSource": 
> > '/ajax.php?action=get_attributes&id=122'
> >            } ) ;
> > cluetip is bound in the ready event using:
> >                    $('a.attr').livequery(function(){
> >                            $(this).cluetip({
> >                                    cluetipClass: 'rounded',
> >                                    dropShadow: false,
> >                                    positionBy: 'mouse',
> >                                    arrows: true
> >                            })
> >                    })
> > When the page loads, the table is populated correctly and the cluetips
> > inside the table work great.  But when an ajax call is made to refresh
> > the table using:
> > attributes_Table.fnReloadAjax();
> > cluetip no longer seems to work.  No errors are in the error console.
> > Is there a way to force livequery to rebind a.attr after I reload the
> > ajax?
> > Is there a better way to force the rebind after I reload the ajax?
> > Any help is greatly appreciated!

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