I'm writing a snippet of code to be put on any third party website and
have NO idea what environment it will be dropped into. My end goal is
for the badge to be

<script src="http://example.com/js/badge.js";></script>

I would like to use jQuery in my badge code to make my life easier,
but I don't want to require another include on the client side
(getting anything updated on the client is a pain).

This is the best I could come up with. I don't want anything before or
after my script to be affected with any leftover variables or weird

Does anyone see any issues? Any better solutions? The main one I see
is the time between the start of the anonymous function, and the end
of checkLibs is not going to block other scripts which might rely on
window.jQuery being available. Can you block other scripts in

// Namespace
if (typeof yourock == "undefined") yourock = {};

// Api function
yourock.popup = function(id) {
    // Library isn't done loading
    if (typeof(yourock.jQuery) == "undefined" || yourock.jQuery("*")
=== null) {
        setTimeout(yourock.popup, 100);
    // Shorthand
    var $ = yourock.jQuery;

    // Do stuff

// Load libraries
(function() {
    // If jQuery exists, save it and delete it to know when mine is
    var old_jQuery = null;
    if (typeof(jQuery) != "undefined") {
        if (typeof(jQuery.noConflict) == "function") {
            old_jQuery = jQuery;
            delete jQuery;

    var addLibs = function() {
        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
        if (head.length == 0) {
            setTimeout(addLibs, 100);

        var node = document.createElement("script");
        node.src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/

    var checkLibs = function() {
        // Library isn't done loading
        if (typeof(jQuery) == "undefined" || jQuery("*") === null) {
            setTimeout(checkLibs, 100);
        yourock.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
        jQuery = old_jQuery;


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