I haven't used it myself, but according to the documentation I think
the 'xhr' is used for "creating" the XMLHttpRequest object. Thus, done
before the actual HTTP request is done.

I think you want the one in the 'complete' option callback.

     complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {

On Jun 18, 6:58 pm, Gabriel <crazyhel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The .ajax() request has an option called 'xhr'. I am trying to grab
> the filesize of a file (html)  being requested with ajax. I think that
> the method used with XHR is getResponseHeader. How would I implement
> this into the 'xhr' option?
> I have tried several ways, but all gave me errors on Firebug, such as
> that getResponseHeader was not defined.
> $.ajax({
> ...
> ...
> xhr: function(){
> alert(  this.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'));},
> ...
> ect
> I have tried this.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'),
> xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'), and getResponseHeader
> ('Content-Length') by itself, but no luck so far.
> If I am way off and incorrect, what would be the best way to see if
> somehow the file I'm loading has changed (file size, last modified,
> ect) from the last request?

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