Thanks, I thought I remembered reading about deprecating one of the
two forms, I just couldn't remember which and I couldn't find the post

Why :checkbox vs input[type=checkbox]?  I noticed a couple special
keywords that had colons in front, but I wasn't sure what their
purpose was.



On Jun 19, 1:21 pm, Karl Swedberg <> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Brandon! wrote:
> > So I've always had a couple questions about forms and jQuery, so I
> > thought I'd finally ask and see if I can get a straight answer
> > (they're all pretty simple).
> > First question: When selecting a form element by it's attribute(s),
> > what's the proper format?  Do I need the @ or not basically: input
> > [...@type="text"] or input[type="text"]  I know that both formats work,
> > but I don't know which is preferred.
> Without the @. It was deprecated in 1.2 and removed in 1.3.
> > Second question: In regards to performance, is there a "best" order to
> > put attributes in?  inp...@name^="line_id"]...@type="checkbox"] vs input
> > [...@type="checkbox"]...@name^="line_id"]  Any good rule of thumb, or is
> > the outcome negligible?
> $(':checkbox[name^=line_id]')
> Not sure about performance. Probably negligible.
> > Third and final question: jQuery().attr('checked', true) or jQuery
> > ().attr('checked', 'checked')?  I see it both ways, but I wasn't sure
> > if it makes a difference.  XHTML tells us we want checked="checked",
> > but I wasn't sure.
> Here, .attr() is a bit of a misnomer, because it's really looking at  
> DOM properties, not (x)HTML attributes. I'm pretty sure either one  
> works, but I use .attr('checked', true)
> Actually, when I can get away with avoiding .attr() I usually do. For  
> example, I would do:
> this.checked = true;
> rather than:
> $(this).attr('checked', true);
> --Karl
> ____________
> Karl

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