I don't know if this is said often enough as I'm a relative newbie to
jQuery, but I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU!! to all those
involved in the jQuery project - developers, documentation writers,
contributors to this group, and anyone else I've forgotten. Whilst,
for me at least, jQuery was a steep learning curve despite/because of
my programming background, it really is a very elegant framework with
a hell of a lot of work put into it, which saves us web designers/
developers having to write stuff from scratch in JS (then finding it
falls over in IE), and I for one really, really appreciate the
development effort that's been put in.

A big extra thanks to those involved in jQuery UI, who've saved me a
hell of a lot of work. These days managers and users want super-cuddly
interfaces à la Facebook which do everything for the user save scratch
their arse for them, and it's a 'mare putting that sort of stuff
together from scratch in JS and CSS *and* making it cross-platform,
standards-compliant and accessible. The Theme Roller in UI really has
made my life a lot easier, and the interfaces knock the socks off
managers and end-users.



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