take it out of the textarea, right now it's not XML data but random text.

bigb wrote:
I'm having some real difficulty figuring out how to manipulate xml
data with jquery. Here is my situation. I have a hidden TextArea that
contains xml data, something like this:

  <item value='1' text='x'></item>
  <item value='2' text='y'></item>

So, let's say I want to remove the item with value='1'.

1) I grab the value of the textarea:

    var xml = $("#" + id).val();

2) I then find the node and remove it:


Problem is, it doesn't remove anything! It finds the node just fine,
but the remove() function doesn't seem like it is doing anything. I've
tried looping through eacy item $('item',xml).each(function.... ); and
then calling remove(); but that does not work either. Any help on how
to manipulate xml data correctly? Thank you.


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