Not really sure what you are after. But I think you need to make an
new instance of test first:

var test = function (defaults){
    this.defaults = defaults || this.defaults;

test.prototype = {
    defaults : { test : 'nothing' }

new test();
new test({test: 'hello world'});

On Jun 24, 8:07 am, Nic Hubbard <> wrote:
> I have used an object in the past as a function argument, but this was
> for a plugin that I wrote.  Using it in the architecture of a plugin
> it worked.
> BUT, this time, I just want to write a normal function, but still use
> an object to set defaults and pass in changes to those defaults
> through as a param.  Is this possible, or do I have to make this a
> jQuery function like $.myfunction() ?
> I am trying:
> function test(defaults)
> {
>         var defaults = {
>                 test: ''
>         };
> alert(defaults.test);
> }
> test({test: 'It works!'});
> The above does not seem to work, and replace the default with that was
> passed in the function.  What am I doing wrong here?

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