On Jun 24, 2009, at 11:10 AM, shaded wrote:

ok , ive posted about 6 questions in this group since i joined and not
one has answered. not even an attempt.

I've seen question, both easier and more difficult that mine being
answered.  Am i asking in the wrong way? Is there something im
forgetting to include?

what can i do to make my question more likely to be answered?

It's just the sheer volume of the list that is an issue, perhaps. But in this particular case, you ask a question that is very easily answered by the "Googles" as well as the list archives.

The answer is, I think, to use val(): $(...whatever-identifies-your- select...).val(...the-value-you-want-selected...);

For multiple select values, you may need to use, for each of those options, the attr() function to set "selected" to "selected" (or "true").

I am a bit of a newbie myself, so I am offering the above more as clues, than as exact answers. If they do not lead you to a solution, ping us again, and I will actually test with code and give you a working example.


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