I guess you could just put an absolutely positioned div with a 100%x100% transparent gif/png over your image, but it's my opinion that any kind of image protection is useless, and usually easily defeated by just dragging the image out of the cache folder.

I personally think it's a waste of time to try to 'protect' media on the internet, as there's always a way of getting it. It's better to just assume that everything you put online will be copied and either turned into a lolcat or a motivational poster.


Mario Soto wrote:
Actually, sorry for not putting a good descrpition. You're right. What
I want to do is to make harder for a visitor to get the immage,
putting a transparent gif or similar in front of the immage. So, the
immage is loaded by ajax, and never has the same address, and cannot
download the image by right clicking and select save image.

Of course, if can crack a password mostly with patiente, it would not
be hard to keep the immage, but, for the average user (mostly my
users) want to make as imposible as I can.

The immage type I'm dealing with are documents, so it should not be
give "full" access to anyone cappable of right clicking.


On 25 jun, 11:52, Lee R Lemon III <leerlemon...@gmail.com> wrote:
If by protecting you mean keeping from being downloaded.... NO...

If you want some watermarking, you could use something like php's gd
function that could aloow for a watermark...

You could also use javascript canvas but that does not work in IE
without a plugin

On Jun 24, 1:49 pm, Mario Soto <canc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi. I want to know if there is a way to protect images that are styled
with an overflow auto. I found a lot of tutorials, scripts and plugins
for that with "static" images. The big issue here is that the image
can (and is usual) to be resized (two buttons are added for that + and
Any ideas? Will be vary good recieved. Thanks.
Mario Soto

Jonathan Vanherpe - Tallieu & Tallieu NV - jonat...@tnt.be

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