I have this hover function and outside this i am setting all the
variables etc everything works but when I test on IE yes that old one,
is gives me the wrong reading and hence does not function, so to get
over this I have to put in the variable within the hover function.

any ideas how to combat this.

main function:

var heigthOful = $container.find('div.listContainer ul').css

   //for eg if i alert the variable  see below

for eg if i alert the variable on all other browsers I get say "1100"
while on IE i get "auto"

now if i set the variable within that function as

   var heigthOful = $container.find('div.listContainer ul').css

Now i get the output on the alert from all others "1100" and IE i get
the same now "1100"

whay I want to set it once is that I have several hovers that will use
the same code so rather than clutter up the code and have loads of un-
needed code thought I woud set it once and that would be it.

Any help would be apprciated

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