I've never used flowplayer before, but that seems to be the problem:

uncaught exception: Flowplayer cannot access element: player

On the homepage, you have an element <div class="player" id="player"> ... That same element is not on the contact us page. That's where the problem is occurring. I'd wrap the flowplayer stuff in a conditional. Something like this:

if ($('#player').length) {
        // setup player : home page
        $f("player", "/flash/flowplayer-3.1.1.swf", {
                clip: {baseUrl: 'http://www.pangeaadvisors.org'}
        // playlist plugin : home page


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 26, 2009, at 10:55 PM, efet wrote:

Everything works fine at our website expect the contact us page. It
give a javascript error which also bans visitors submitting the form.
Same code used in all pages. Any idea why it gives an error in contact
us page?


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