i'm trying to submit the files to a target file that will work with
i have tried the iframe=true parameter but without success

please help, what i'm missing

//start scrpt
var counter = 0;
function prepareForm(formname)
        var options = {
                        //target:        '#output'+id,   // target element(s) 
to be updated
with server response
                        beforeSubmit:  showRequest,  // pre-submit callback
                        success:       showResponse,  // post-submit callback
                        iframe: true

        $('#'+formname).submit(function() {

                        if(counter > 0) return false;



                        return false;

        function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options)
                var queryString = $.param(formData);

                return true;

        // post-submit callback
        function showResponse(responseText, statusText)
                alert('formid:'+formname+' status: ' + statusText + '\n
\nresponseText: \n' + responseText);
                document.location = document.location;

//upload section
$(document).ready( function(){
                                list: '#files-list',
                                max: 10,
                                accept: 'gif|jpg|png',
                                STRING: {
                                                        file: '<em title="Click 
to remove" onclick="$(this).parent
                                                        remove: '<span 
class="ui-icon ui-icon-trash" />',




//end javascript


<form name="add_photoset" enctype="multipart/form-data"
id="add_photoset" method="post" action="photosetinsert.php" class="ui-
widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" >
        <div class="textFields">
                <input type="file" name="building_images[]" class="multi"
id="AjaxFileUpload" size="100" />
                <div id="files-list" ></div>
        <div class="formButtons" >
                <input type="hidden" name="bid" value="<?= $bid ?>" />
                <input type="hidden" name="add" value="<?= $add?>" />
                <input type="hidden" name="photoset_submit" value="1" />
                <input type="submit" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" 
=($add==1?'Add':'Apply')?>" />
                <input type="reset" value=" Reset " class="ui-state-default ui-
corner-all" />

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