Well I'm trying to do something like this


but this example has a problem that after a new task has been added by
ajax, it does not update the task lists ie suppose i have 2 task in
the list now and now i add another one successfully, it showed me the
message that 1 task has been added name "foobar" but in task list it
still shows 2 tasks not 3

How to update the task list div>ul after the ajax operation

Well I tried something like below

                var note = $('#wrapper textarea').val();
                if(note == defaultText || note == ""){
                        $.jGrowl("Please write something meaningful");
                        $('#wrapper textarea').focus();
                } else {
                           type: "POST",
                           url: "process1.php",
                           data: "content=" + note,
                           success: function(msg){
ul').empty().load('index.php #container ul');
span.highl').empty().load('index.php #container

but there are couple of things i dont like about the code.
1. I've used load function to update the content of 2 div. I'm sure
there's some better way to do this
2. And something mysterious is happening in the database. its
something like that
suppose in the db i've 2 task like
id=1 task="blabla"
id=2 task="blabla"

at this point if i add a new task it should have the id=3 and
task='whatever' and placed after id=2
and after that if i add another task using the script then it would
have id=4 but its placing itselft on the db before id=3 while it
should be placed after id=3

please help me to work around with this

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