jQuery.noConflict();- used when other libraries such as Mootools, Protoype etc are present. Used to avoid conflicts of multiple libraries using "$". Thus the reasoning behind "jquery" in longhand instead of "$". If noConflict() exists all jquery functions need to be longhand.

"is not a function" error is usually result of not having jquery.js, or plugin where function exists, available when function is called. Your errors are  jquery.js functions so possiblities are:
  1. jquery.js is being loaded into page after functions are called- fix- move jquery.js above call to functions
  2. jquery.js not being loaded in page either no script tag for the file or path incorrect
if script tag is in right place on page ( above jQuery(document).ready..) check link to file opens in browser, will confirm path

Hokumae wrote:
I am hosting a local community association's webpage.  A key part of
the site is their event calendar plugin, which is unfortunately now
pretty broken due to a necessary WordPress upgrade. (I apologize for
the verbosity).

I am not a j-coder, but muddled around with the script enough and used
some existing mailinglist and the jquery manual to clean up most of
it, but now I am stuck.

I don't know why the orignator of the code felt it necessary to state
jQuery before ever function and argument instead of the seemingly more
popular/correct "$" but here is the snippet that's causing firebug to
bork on:
225 jQuery.noConflict();
226 function alertmsgbox(msg) {
227 jQuery("#alertmsg p").text(msg);
228 jQuery("#alertmsg").show();
229 jQuery("#alertmsg").animate({ top: "300px" }, 0 ).fadeOut
230 }
231 jQuery(document).ready(function() {
232 jQuery("#close_message_alert").click(function() {
233 jQuery("#alertmsg").fadeOut("slow");
234 jQuery("#alertmsg").hide();
235 });
236 jQuery('h2').hide();
237 })(jQuery);

Originally line 236 was:

Reading the manual indicated "@" was deprecated and "#addEventform'"
is defined earlier in the code as:

function addEventForm() {
    <a name="addEventform"></a><h2><?php _e('Add Event','events-
calendar'); ?></h2>

I think i know what the original author's intent was, but I just cant
shake Firebug's console error of:

jQuery(document).ready(function () {jQuery
("#close_message_alert").click(function () {jQuery("#alertmsg").fadeOut
("slow");jQuery("#alertmsg").hide();});jQuery("h2").hide();}) is not a

Thanks for any tips that point me in the right direction.


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