thank you for the lot of suggestions to change the code.
The reasen for some of the problems is, that i work on an Plugin
for the Web Framework struts2.

and the Showcase

with this plugin you can create the jQuery easily calls like this.

So i don't know in the Head of the Document which tags
must be rendered. So I try to bind the javascript on the elements.
Also the Submit Button he can be outside the Form or inside
but I found a method to find the parent form in java so I
can remove the closest and bind the ajax directly on the form.

I hope you can understand what I mean.


On 26 Jun., 16:52, Eric Garside <> wrote:
> Your code is confusing. Why do you have the script tag wrapped inside
> of the form element? Why do you have two script tags a couple tags
> away from each other instead of inside your header definition?
> Your script is chock full of errors. Here's a couple of suggestions:
> 1. Move both of your script tags to inside the <head> of your
> document.
> 2. Don't define two document.ready events like you are. It's
> inefficient for the sake of.
> 3. Your form has an ID, yet you reference it by trying to find it as a
> child of the parent. Instead of
> $('#tpcsubmit').closest("form").submit(function() {
> Try
> $('#teilprojekt_create").submit(function() {
> 4. There's no need to declare the "optionstpcsubmit" variable like you
> are. For a couple reasons:
> 4a. You're defining references to functions before they exist! You
> have beforeSubmit being set to a function reference for
> before_tpcsubmit, but that function isn't defined to later inside the
> script, meaning it's undefined.
> 4b. You can easily solve all your problems by restructuring your code
> to put the object directly inside the plugin call. (This will solve
> the functions being undefined thing as well).
> $(this).ajaxSubmit({
>     beforeSubmit:  before_tpcsubmit,
>     success:       complete_tpcsubmit,
>     timeout:           3000,
>     target:        '#target'
> });
> 5. Along the same vein as #4, you're declaring functions
> unnecessarily. You could be doing a lot better by using lambda
> functions.
> $(this).ajaxSubmit({
>     beforeSubmit: function() { $('#inicator').show(); } ,
>     success: function() {
>         $('#inicator').hide();
>         $("#target").effect("slide",{  },2000);
>     },
>     timeout: 3000,
>     target: '#target'
> });
> 6. Calling javascript:void(0) is, imo, pretty archaic, especially with
> jQuery at your disposal. Make the href="#", then just restructure your
> click event to the following:
> $('#testlink').click(function(){ $("#tpanlegen").effect("slide",{},
> 2000); });
> 7. Try to use some kind of human-readable naming schema.
> itsnoteasytoreadavariablewheneverythingisjustcrammedinthere.
> (ItsWayEasierToReadAVariableIfYouCamelCaseIt)
> 8. Don't make variable names as long as the previous example.
> Remember, with javascript, size matters. The smaller your file, the
> faster it can be transmitted. The less meaningless declarations and
> scruff code you have, the easier it will be to maintain.
> On Jun 26, 9:46 am, fredrik <> wrote:
> > Hum, sorry not on top of my head.
> > I'll try your code when I get home.
> > ..fredrik
> > On Jun 24, 6:39 pm, jogep <> wrote:
> > > when I try your code the form will still executed twice.
> > > The Alert tells me 1 closest form .
> > > Any other Idea?
> > > Thank You
> > > Johannes
> > > -------------------------------------------------
> > > web:
> > > twitter:
> > > On 24 Jun., 16:01, fredrik <> wrote:
> > > > What happens when you tie the event to the form instead of the submit
> > > > button:
> > > > $('#teilprojekt_create').submit(function(e) {
> > > >     e.preventDefault();
> > > >     $(this).ajaxSubmit(optionstpcsubmit);
> > > > });
> > > > If that doesn't work, see what the length of $('#tpcsubmit').closest
> > > > ("form") is.
> > > > console.log($('#tpcsubmit').closest("form").length))
> > > > or
> > > > alert($('#tpcsubmit').closest("form").length)
> > > > ..fredrik
> > > > On Jun 24, 3:47 pm, jogep <> wrote:
> > > > > thanks for fast response.
> > > > > Sorry but the form was still executed twice.
> > > > > Best Regards
> > > > > Johannes Geppert
> > > > > -------------------------------------------------
> > > > > web:
> > > > > twitter:

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