
To make it simple, say I have 2 menu items on each level and there are
3 levels each,

|   +-A3

where A3 and B3 are <href>.

How treeview behaves now is when you click on item A1 then A2, you
will see

|   +-A3

and subsequent clicking B1, A1 collapses and you will see B1 and B2.
Finally, when A1 is clicked, B1 collapses, you will see A1, A2 and A3
(as shown above) again. What I want is when A1 is clicked it
"restarts" i.e. it only shows A1 and A2. It has "forgotten"  A2 was
clicked before. How do I do that without changing the code? Is there a
"forget" option?



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