definitely defer to experience. Question, have seen you mention attr() is broken,don't use it. I try to learn and absorb as much as possible from here

Is it the performance of attr() or reliablity problem?

Matt Kruse wrote:
On Jun 30, 12:24 pm, "" <>
                $(':checkbox.chkEvent').each(function() {
                    var el = $(this);
                    el.attr('checked',':checked') ? '' :

Avoid attr(), and try to avoid fitting every problem into a jQuery

Try this simple code:

$(':checkbox.chkEvent').each(function() {
  this.checked = !this.checked;

I also keep my "run" plugin handy for simple things like this:

// A General "run" function to simplify coding
$ = function(fn) {
	if (typeof fn=='string') { fn = new Function(fn); }


$(':checkbox.chkEvent').run("this.checked = !this.checked");

Whether that's actually more efficient to write depends on the
situation ;)

Matt Kruse


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