I think my problem would be better clarified if you guys were able to
view the live site. The link is http://nxiel.com/ and the password is
"guest1234" (without quotations).

Now if you browse through the pages you will see how the animation
slides to the left and back to right with updated content.

My problem arises when I use this to access the portfolio section. The
portfolio section doesn't seem to work. If you head over to
http://nxiel.com/Portfolio/ , you can see how the section should
render and how a person can use the scroll feature, however, when the
content is loaded using jQuery, it doesn't function properly.

Additionally another problem i'm realizing is the delay of the
content. For example, if you are on the contact page and then click on
downloads, the content will slide left and then slide back right when
the content is loaded. However the problem i'm seeing is the delay in
the content loading meaning that the animation will finish and the
content will then load. A second or two delay. I've tested it in
multiple browsers and seeing the same problem. Surprisingly the only
browser i'm not seeing this in is IE6.

Anyways any help in this matter is appreciated, especially with the
scroll of portfolio.


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