one problem you'll likely run into completely replacing that div

even though the html and classes will fit in with the carousel you could have problems due to no events attached to new div from document ready

 Giovanni Battista Lenoci wrote:

expresso ha scritto:
I'm trying to figure out how I'd explicitely change out a div.

Lets say this div is in the page.  I guess first I'd have to verify if
it's in the page:

<div class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-horizontal jcarousel-prev-
disabled jcarousel-prev-disabled-horizontal" style="display: block;"

And if it is, I want to remove it and add this in the same place:

<div class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-horizontal" style="display:
block;" disabled="false"/>

I have not a clue how to do this.
If give a unique id to the div (or you have a rule to get it, for example $('#mycontainer > div'));

You can do:

$('#id').replaceWith('<div>my newmarkup!</div>');

If the selector doesn't return nothing then nothing will be replaced.


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