this notation $.jcarousel means you want to access that field, whether it
be to set it to something else, or read the contents.
this notation in javascript     jcarousel: '0.2.3'    is setting a key
value pair where jcaraousel is the key and 0.2.3 is the  value

does that make sense?


Michael Lawson
Development Lead, Global Solutions,
Phone:  1-276-206-8393

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:       expresso <>                           
  To:         "jQuery (English)" <>          
  Date:       07/02/2009 10:23 AM                                      
  Subject:    [jQuery] Syntax Explanation                              

jQuery right now is still like a foreign language to me.  I have
books, etc. but can someone tell me what's going on here:

    // Create shortcut for internal use
    var $jc = $.jcarousel;

    $jc.fn = $jc.prototype = {
        jcarousel: '0.2.3'

what is prototype, and what is jcarousel: '0.2.3', is that just
setting some other variable's value?

<<inline: graycol.gif>>

<<inline: ecblank.gif>>

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