James & Ricardo,

Thank you both for the detailed responses, I appreciate it.

I didn't realize HTML 5 can be used NOW without having to wait for
browser quirks.  In that case, it is absolutely the way to go.  I
already have this working and it is great, very clean, the way it
should be IMO.  If for some reason I weren't able to use that, I
probably would use 2 server side loops, one for the html, one for the

Thanks again,

On Jul 2, 11:21 pm, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can put data inside the class attribute (like <div
> class="someclass { id: 234 }"></div>), it's perfectly valid. The class
> attribute is not meant for presentation only according to the HTML/
> XHTML specs.http://plugins.jquery.com/project/metadata
> Or, use the HTML5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html> (with valid mark-up
> obviously) and the new data-xx attribute, that will give you standards
> mode in all browsers and perfectly valid attributes:
> <td class="trigger" id="trigger_${record.ID}" data-recordID="$
> {record.ID}">${record.name}</td>
> $('td.trigger').click(function(){
>    alert( $(this).attr('data-recordID') );
> });
> Seehttp://ejohn.org/blog/html-5-data-attributes/for more info.
> cheers
> -- ricardo
> On Jul 2, 12:45 pm, John Newman <john.newma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello
> > First off if this is a double post I apoligize, I sent my first
> > message an hour ago and it is not showing up.  Anyway:
> > I've wondered if there is a way to do this for a while.  Perhaps I am
> > missing something or should use a different approach altogether.
> > Say I have a dynamic page that generates some td elements.   The
> > syntax here is freemarker but you can easily envision your favorite
> > serverside text generating language instead.
> > <table id="records">
> > <thead><th>Name</th></thead>
> > <tbody>
> > [#list records as record]
> >  <tr>
> >    <td class="trigger" id="trigger_${record.ID}" onclick="showDetails
> > (${record.ID})">${record.name}</td>
> >  </tr>
> > [/#list]
> > </tbody>
> > </table>
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >  function showDetails(recordID)  {
> >    // normally an ajax post but you get the idea
> >    window.location = '/record?recordID=' + recordID
> >  }
> > </script>
> > Now I want to get that onclick out of there and bind it using jquery,
> > but i haven't been able to figure out if there is a way to get the
> > parameter there. Apart from putting it in some attribute and looking
> > at it.  Is there a cleaner way?
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >  $(document).ready(function()  {
> >      $('#records td.trigger').click(function()  {
> >             window.location = '/record?recordID=' + ??? how do i get
> > that
> >      });
> >  });
> > </script>
> > I know I could look at the elements attributes, something like
> > this.attr("id").substring().etc().etc() .. but sometimes there are
> > many parameters to the javascript fn to generate the post and that
> > approach doesn't seem to viable. and there isn't really a standard
> > attribute to use that makes sense for that anyway.  So how do I do
> > this?
> > Thanks

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