After spending some time searching without luck here is my question:

I am looking for a way to select all <p> and <table> elements which
are a child element of a <div>, except those that are of class
ImageHolder, with the condition to keep the order of the elements.

Example HTML:
        <p>test value 1</p>
        <p>test value 2</p>
        <table><tr><td>test value 3</td></tr></table>
        <p>test value 4</p>
        <table class="ImageHolder"><tr><td>test value 5</td></tr></table>
        <p>test value 6</p>

As a result I need:
test value 1, test value 2, test value 3, test value 4, test value 6

To select the correct elements I could use 2 queries $('div > p'), and
$('div > table:not(ImageHolder)')
but for the output I need them in the same order as in the HTML code.
Does jquery support some logical operations as 'select element OR

Any ideas and/or solutions are appreciated.

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