I have two image based links that open external an page in a <div>.

I am changing the background via hover from the CSS.


#cs_contact                     {width: 146px; height: 34px; float: left;}
a.cs_contact {width: 146px; height: 34px; background: url('/img/ pages/cs_contact.png'); display:block}
a.cs_contact:hover              {background-position: -146px;}
a.cs_contact_a {width: 146px; height: 34px; background: url('/img/ pages/cs_contact.png'); display:block;background-position: -146px;}
#cs_appoint {width: 146px; height: 34px; float: left; margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px} a.cs_appoint {width: 146px; height: 34px; background: url('/img/ pages/cs_appoint.png'); display:block}
a.cs_appoint:hover              {background-position: -146px;}

My JS:

        $('.cs_contact').click(function() {


<div id="cs_links">
<div id="cs_contact">
<a class="cs_contact"  id="js_contact" href="#"></a></div>
<div id="cs_appoint">
<a class="cs_appoint" id="js_appoint" href="#"></a></div>

I discovered how to make one image link ACTIVE via js, but I don't know how to make the two links toggle with each other. I can only have ONE LINK active at a time.

I have 10 more image links to add to this page.

Many thanks.


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